Dominique is the new beauty by Moccino Beauté. She comes in 10 amazing tones. Some of these chocolate tones are new and match with the new Velour Ipanema body applier which I'm showing in these captions. Dominique was designed for Lelutka Evo X heads. here I decided to use Briannon and I'm very satisfied with the result. She can be found at LEVEL Event.

The beautiful bathsuit I'm wearing is the new release Kiwi by Rosary. It comes in fits for Maitreya, Belleza Freya, Legacy and Kupra. It has 7 colors and 3 patters to customize. The hair from unorthodox also gives a great summer vibe to this look. I feel so powerful. Nise fro can be found at the Hair Fair.

Head / Lelutka Evo X Briannon
Skin / Moccino Beauté - Dominique Mali - @LEVEL
Body applier / VELOUR - Ipanema Body Mali tone
Eyes / Euphoric Macchiatto eyes
Hair / Unorthodox - Nise Fro V2 NOIR (Femme Fit) - @Hair Fair 2021
Bathsuit / Rosary. Kiwi
Nails / Rosary. Send Nudes set
Drink - MOVEMENT MVT - Cognac cocktail - Strawberry gacha @ACCESS
Location Beach Paradise Island CANN!BAL