LOTD - Bucólica

8/27/2013 10:00:00 PM


Cabelo >TRUTH< Vanessa - treacle
Flor do cabelo [ glow ] studio - Sepia Flowers hairband
Vestido [RUBY] - BUBBLES - SPECIAL EDITION - BEIGE - The Thrift Shop  free
Bolsa :: Miss Lt :: Alessa bag color change new
Colar :: Miss Lt :: Engagement mesh necklaces new
Brincos :: Miss Lt :: Chiquesima mesh earrings new
Mãos Slink Mesh Hand Elegant 1 
Unhas Slink ULTRA Mesh Rigged Fingernails V5 By Jamman
Pulseira :: Miss Lt :: Full bangles - black/pearl and Silver watch new
Anel POMPOSITY - Square RING w/ Diamonds - Silver - Marketplace
Pés Slink Womens Medium Barefeet Rigged
Sapato Ingenue :: Pickford Heels :: Night no Collabor88 new
Poses Glitterati Model pack 21

Local: Small town green

Beijos e fiquem lindas!

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